This photo portrays the common leftovers from any given project: used parts, oil and coolant. I've shared this photo to remind us all to be responsible about our leftovers. Now, oil is easy. In the United States every store that sells oil needs to have some means of accepting used oil. I use these great water bottles (which last forever) to store my used oil. This will be taken to Autozone later today and deposited in their oil recycling bin.
Coolant is a different matter. In Tempe, where I live, the city has drop off services for chemicals and such. After checking their list, coolant is one of the things they accept. You'll note that smaller bottle (which originally had juice) is clearly labelled as to what it presently contains.
Now recycling parts can actually add some cash back into your parts budget, providing you don't have to return them for a core fee. Here in Phoenix there are a number of metal recyclers. Scrap metal prices have skyrocketed in the past few years. What I like to do is to keep a collection of scrap until it's big enough to fill my truck and then haul it down. If you're really keen on getting pennies for your scrap then it is very beneficial to sort it by type. Certain metals (copper and aluminum for example) have much higher per pound values than steel.
Remember, we're all responsible for cleaning up after ourselves. Make sure you recycle properly!