This first stop in the land of the Redwoods is the Chandelier tree in Leggett, CA. Here you can see Andy the Explorer driving through his first Redwood tree! It was a very tight fit and we had to bring in the mirrors but he made it through with flying colors. While we were here a Corvette club cruised through and we got to watch 6 modern Corvettes come rolling up and through the tree. It was a lot of fun. This stop also has a great pond behind their giftshop. I showed the kids how to spot and sneak up on bullfrogs.

Confusion hill is easily one of the most bizarre roadside attractions I've ever stopped at. They have the gravity house and all sorts of kooky stuff. It's well worth having a few bucks weasled out of you. The signs for it remind me of the ones for "The Thing!" out in southern Arizona. The above photo is of the longest single piece totem pole ever carved.

The redwood themed attractions are all over the place up here. There's just too many to stop at all of them. This is one of my favorites, the one log house.
Our travels for the day finished up in Eureka, CA. We met a Triumph friend of mine Doug (saw his TR6 and MGB GT) who took us out to the Samoa Cookhouse, which is a must eat place, and then for an impromptu tour of the old part of Eureka. There are some absolutely beautiful victorian houses there and an old "main drag" that's been mostly restored. I could easily spend a few days just wandering around this part of town. We finished the night by staying out in the garage until it was very late swapping car stories.
After having driven through this upper segment of the state I really start to see why California is considered to be so beautiful.