So, I realized as I was putting things away tonight that there may be a couple POR-15 tricks that not everyone is aware of.
1) If you're working with the tins, particularly the small ones, you know that you can't resal them once they've been opened. Well, here's the trick. use some plastic wrap or a sandwich baggie between the cap and tin. It'll allow you to reseal the POR-15 tin and open it later!
2) POR-15 and bolt threads. If you're laying on the POR-15 thickly, then you risk filling in the threads on bolts so that you'll not be able to put a nut on later. If you wait until you're done painting and lightly address the threads without adding new POR-15 to the brush you can get a clean coating without filling out the threads.
Also, I updated some code on the site to better enable the blog functions. You can now go back and read the older posts via the blog page. In addition, you can comment on the blogs now.