So, it's been an interesting few days. Not necessarily because of the car work (that will follow in a later post) but in terms of psyche. We, as car people, are pack rats. We hoard things away that we find for the eventual, or possible, "hey I need a..." or "does anyone have a..." This is especially true of car people that work on orphaned cars. You never know if that nearly ruined part may be needed by a nearly ruined survivor.
Well, Junior Grease monkey #1 (I refer to my children as Junior Grease Monkeys) incurred a parental room cleaning after not heeding warnings for over a month, an finally, "forced labor" for three days (parentally assited until wit's exceeded patience) which involved cleaning one's room. While the overall process was ongoing I was assisting a friend in street readying a car.
What I finally determined is that there are two distinct types of hoarders: organized super hoarders and volume based hoarders. The first is like me. I cannot stand disorganization. Myentire garage may be filled with boxes of things, those things may invade my workspace, but because they are organized (to the most anal retentive level) they are easily categorized and later stashed away. These folks make inventory lists and label boxes. They are, for a lack of a better term, from the Martha Stewart school.
The second is like my daughter and my friends Steve and Chip, piles of junk everywhere, stored willy nilly. They have active recall of the previous period of time, but anything stored later than that period of time is "lost in the mess." They know that they may or may not have the item, they vaguely remember it, but they're damned if they can put their hands on it.
I like organized messes, disorganized messes scare me. The wife and I are on hour 4 of the child's room, It's time to go back to work.
Be organized, it makes life so much easier!