So I used yesterday to clean the garage. Mainly it was a matter of sorting sockets and spanners. Not necessarily fun or exciting, but a well organized work space it critical to being successful on projects. I got things sorted a bit earlier than anticipated, so there was time to play with the Jensen Healey. Nothing earth shattering, just goin through some bits that hadn't been finished up correctly, and adding in some new bits. I installed new headlights. They are the aftermarket replacement ones that allow for a halogen headlight rather than the old sealed beam units. They are supposed to be brighter. I suppose it will be a while until I see them lit.
I also spent some time installing the exterior door handles and adjusting the doors so that they closed/opened easily. Now, I'd already installed the windows in the doors. Based on my experience this weekend I highly recommend installing the handles, locks and other bits before installing the windows. It makes for an easier installation.
I have to admit to some significant frustration of late. It seems like my current project will never finish. I never understood the grumblings of my friends who had families and how they weren't able to go and do their project cars. I do now. Having a family eats a lot of time and money. Now, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, but I wish the family budget had a line item for car parts.
On the plus side, we had a two wheeled adventure today. After many tears and much consternation my daughter rode her "big girl bike" down the street. Sure it's single child horsepower, but, for me, that's more important than getting a car on the road. Now, like an american muscle car I just need to teach her how to brake and steer!