You'll forgive me for the Depeche Mode reference. I've been catching up on half-written articles and trying to clean out my backlogs. I've added to component pages to the site, the first being about the engine, the second about the brake systems. I also added to the maintenance section an article that had been knocking about regarding tire maintenance.
This installation is all about writing and information. Hopefully I'll be back in the garage soon writing up something cool that I've done to the cars. The hardest part about living with a restoration project is the waiting for its completion. I want to drive a sports car and drive it fast. The Jensen Healey and the Austin Healey are just not getting restored fast enough for my lead foot. Honestly, all I get from driving the explorer with a lead foot is a dent in the wallet when I fill it with gas. Bah!
Have fun reading and happy motoring!