So, one of the super secret suprises from my errands yesterday was a stop off to pick up a better point and click camera to carry in the car/pocket for my random sightings. It really bothered me that I couldn't take good pictures of those cars I saw the other day.
While I was out I gave in to another idea that had been niggling the back of the noggin for a while: Video. I watch all the car shows on Spike & Speed Channel, and thought, why not? Let's do some decent videos of the types of cars and restorations that we don't see on the big shows. Also, it's always bothered me that these shows are done in pretty, professional garages with huge collections of specialists and expensie tools. The reality is that most cars are restored in a normal household garage, using whatever tools are at hand.
I've never done much with video before, though I have been on TV. So, there's going to be a bit o a learning curve on my end getting this right. A little patience at the onset, and some constructive criticism from my readers will go a long way.