So today's been a pretty good day. for starters I woke up early and my leg wasn't giving me fits. That's a first since the surgery. Then, in the quiet morning time before the house got moving I managed to find a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee and the latest Austin Healey Magazine (March-April 2008). I love reading club magazines because of the wealth of information about how to do my own restorations but even more so for the stories about the other car owners. I checked online hoping that the fellow had a website that I could post a link to, but I couldn't find one.
Then I ordered my Heritage Certificate for the Austin Healey. This is an important document to obtain because it will tell me exactly what the factory records of my car were as of the time it left the factory. This will help to verify that all the bits that are on the car are supposed to be there.
And this afternoon, after asking about good books on Healey restoration I had the opportunity to talk to the folks over at
British Car Specialists in Stockton, California. What an enthusiastic bunch they are! The fellow I was working with on the phone about ordering books was very chatty and we ended up spending the better part of an hour talking about our various projects. And better yet, he stumbled across another book after the call that I needed, so he rang me back and we added it to the order. So I should have a nice pile of presents arriving in the post next week to read while dreaming about the restoration.
This evening I also took some time to write out a bit about the history of my Healey. The stories of these cars always intrigues me, so I wanted to make sure I wrote down the story as I remembered it being told to me (as well as adding information from after my acquisition). You can read my History of my Austin Healey BT7 Here.