I did my requisite annual visit to the Highland Games in Phoenix this year. Ate my three Scottish Pies, wandered around the clan booths, and watched one of the men (masters class) set a new world record on the weight for height event. This was the first year for the better half and the munchkin, so much of my time was spent educating them about Scotland and Scottish history.
The car collection was out on display, a teaser for next weekend's Wheels of Britain event. i collected a nice set of photos, and have put them on the Car Shows page.
I also managed to get a couple good days in the garage last week, so I'll be writing up an article on windshield wiper aseemblies for the Jensen Healey. I did fall prey to not following my own advice though. I was able to immediately put my hands on everything except the clamp for the windshield motor assembly. The box I found it in (eventually) was labeled "Heater." I'll blame it on the parts gremlins.