So, since I'm feeling a bit better I managed to get out into the garage and survey the damage. The damage being a complete mess because I hadn't cleaned up after some major house construction before my surgery. One of the big questions in my mind was, where did I leave off on the car? This is one of those things that will happen to you frequently if you get interrupted by life (as we all do) on a regular basis.
This is where good collections of notes and photographs will save your sanity. Once the garage was reorganized (and despite thinking I'd moved all the non-current project parts out to storage) I was able to go over the last set of notes I'd taken. As it turns out I'd been working on the pedal box and brake servo unit. So, Once I'd found the parts, I was able to pick up where I'd left off.... sanding and repainting.
On a side note, I always find comparisons between cars humorous. I found the heads to my '59 Studebaker Lark VII (an old V-8 cast iron set-up). As it turns out, just one head off the Studebaker block is heavier than the bare aluminum block off the current Jensen Healey project. Big American muscle vs. lighter, more elegant British design. Both vehicles, when new, were comparable on horsepower output.