Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy 2010!

Soo, you may have noticed it's been quiet around here of late. The holiday season is not the best time for getting a lot of garage projects done. In fact, about the only use the garage has seen for the past bit is getting all of the Christmas stuff out, and now putting it all back in. That and hiding presents from prying eyes of course.

Additionally, after signing my daughter up for her first season of soccer I had the brilliant (or not so, as my wife would put it) idea that hey, if the kids are doing it, so can I! Well, 5 games in to the season I took a bad fall, strained most of the ligaments in my knee and bruised the bone on the area where I landed.

Since my knee hasn't been terribly interested in bending, well, it's seriously curtailed any possible time I may have spent out there. On a brighter note, it seems to be working much better now, so as soon as I finish my end of 2009/beginning of 2010 honey do's we should be back in action out there!

Cheers! and Happy New Year!