Hey there folks. Just wanted to let people know that there won'tbe any new articles or videos on the site for at least a week. The computer that i do most of the site development and video editing has burnt out it's second CPU fanin the space of a couple months. I have a new development laptop en route, but it'll take a bit to get it configured once it arrives.
Inthe mean time we are testing out a new piece of technology out in the shop. I picked up an iPad a couple Days ago, and now that i know how to use it, I'll be Bringing it outinto the shop with me on a regular basis. So far typing isn't the easiest, butI am getting the hang of it (sort of). It has already comein handy by playing Pandora while I work and we had to look up some Honda parts online today. It was nice in that I was able to slideunderneath the car, iPad in hand, to compare diagrams and parts against what I was actively seeingon the vehicle. I was even able order parts as ILay there under the car!