The aforementioned book was mentioned in some discussions on an Austin Healey mailing list I am a member of. After hearing the book discussed back and forth as well as the glowing recommendations I had to find a copy. Please note that the book is out of print (my copy has a copyright date of 1968), but I found a used copy on Amazon easily enough.
My copy arrived in th epost this afternoon. Now, I originally had grand plans to go out and continue sandblasting on the JH rear, but I made the mistake of opening the cover of O'Kane's book, and well, there went the remains of the day light and a few more hours! I believe the subtitle really captures the flavour of the book: "a guide for the beginner, your wife, and the mechanically inept."
For such a short book, the coverage is suprisingly comprehensive and easy to understand, but best of all, the author's way of writing had me laughing throughout the whole thing. The wife wants to read it next.
If you are in to European and British cars, then this is a must read, regardless of your specific skill level. I just sincerely wish it was still in print. IT's also small enough to keep in the glove box, which should get you knowing nods and smiles from folks who've been around these cars since they were new.