So, today's turned into a pretty interesting car day, and I didn't even turn a wrench! Spent the morning with a local Studebaker nut named Don Parkey. I met him at the All Arizona Studebaker Gathering last weekend. He had mentioned he was looking for Lark bits, and here I had a whole pile of left-overs from the abandoned Lark Wagon project.
He turned up with a trailer this morning and filled it with all sorts of Lark goodies. After that it was drinking coffee and swapping car stories as I showed him the current projects and what I'd been working on.
Later today I published to the sit a couple articles that I've been working on in the past couple weeks. The first is the sixth article on how to do a frame off restoration: Restoring the interior hard components of a vehicle (Dash, console, heater, gauges, etc).. At the same time I also uploaded the article on building up the Fuel System on the green Jensen Healey Project.
While the site was uploading I got to look at a nice Fiat 2000 that was parked outside a neighbor's house, apparently it was someone who was visiting. And, later I had a chat with my mum who's found what may be a totally cherry 1978 Triumph Spitfire for a ridiculously cheap price! She's been watching my projects for a while, and I got a lot of my "car gene" from her as well as my dad. Normally she scans the paper and calls me with cars she thinks I might like, but today it was with a car that she wanted. :)
So, tomorrow we're going to look at the Triumph. I called the guy on my mum's behalf and it sounds really good. It just needs a new soft top. In the ad was the classic mention of "extra parts", well, extra parts actually means complete parts car! (and I have a bad habit of restoring parts cars). We'll keep you updated as to any new cars that may be appearing in the stables.