After work, a trip to the parts store and getting the small one fed I managed to get out and do some more on the 1993 Explorer. As I mentioned before, the rear brake shoes needed replacing, and since I was pulling off the tires I'd go ahead and add some new shock absorbers.
Well, Monsoon season here is an interesting thing. When we left for Autozone it was raining hard. By the time I got outside it was dry again. And as I was pulling the last of the springs into place on the passenger rear drum it started coming down again.
It's been a while since I did drum brakes. I forgot how cantankerous they can be. I always move slowly when I'm working on them. There's so many moving bits in one spot. So, in approximately two hours I got the shock and the brake shoes replaced on the passenger side. With the rain coming down I had to stop.
Looks like I'll be finishing the rest up tomorrow.